Tools and Cognition

Tools influence what we can do, and also how we think.  The quipu was a useful tool for storage of information, but apparently not for manipulation. So if we have quipus but not a calculating board, we will be disinclined to do calculations. On the other hand, the calculating board does not allow storage of information.

Unfamiliarity with the tools (quipus, contour maps, swell maps, etc.) was a important experience to have as educators. The tools we are use to seem intuitive, but this may be substantially due to familiarity. Learning new things helps us remember that learning is effortful, and to feel like a learner in unfamiliar territory.

Ultimately, I do not want students to merely know the tools of the trade; these will change. More important is to be able to learn to adopt and create new tools as necessary. This brings us to recurring themes: we should be helping students to learn how to learn, the habits of mind of learners, more that the subject details themselves. Tools can change the focus of our learning, from Babylonian square roots (algorithms) to explicitly graphical/approximate techniques on the slide rule.

Reflections on Marshall Islanders contour map

Reflections on the importing the Marshall Islanders ‘contour’ map into our working group experience.

The activity challenged us to visually record the characteristics of an outdoor space using the stick maps of the Marshall Islanders to record wave movements. This tool was striking in three significant ways: 1) We attend to what we value; 2) As much as the user adapts the function of the tool, the tools also changes the user; 3) As a tool constructed for one purpose by a culture is appropriated into a different culture it revels new insight on the new culture through the lens of the old. 

1) We attend to what we know.

A small group of five participants moved into the small outdoor space and were charged with the job of producing a “Marshall Islander” map of the space using sticks and found natural objects. The space selected by the group was defined by a pathway that meandered through it. We map what is important to us as an exploration and a recording of what is useful. We selected the gravel pathway which has function.

2) A tool imparts its meaning into the experience of using it.

As we struggled to make meaning of the space through the map it became apparent that there was a tension between the Marshall Islanders mapping techniques and how we viewed our space. During the second day of the working group I was struck when Richard Barwell noticed that a child using fraction tiles as a mathematical tool was not using them as a way to build the concept; rather she was overlaying the tiles on the algorithms she already had practiced for addition of fractions. Here we were overlaying our fixed pathway on top of the Marshall Islanders map. This tension between our cultural choice of the use of a map versus the use of the map for the Marshall Islanders is important to consider.

3) As a tool constructed in one culture is appropriated into a different culture it reveals new insights. The tool becomes the lens through which the user attention is filtered.

As we reflected on the pathway versus the Marshall Island map Susan Gerofsky noted the Marshall islanders used the map to track the movement of waves. This prompted members of our group to move around the space and shift what we were attending to. Once we shifted our attention to the natural rhythms of the space we began to build the map. 

The activity shifted our focus from the visible modern pathway to the movement of nature below the pathway (trees, tree roots, slopes,…). It suggested to us how the movement of nature contributed to the formation of the path. The map, seemingly an object without language, communicated an alternate perspective to our group.

reflections on tools - alayne

What really struck me was how versatile the idea of tool is in terms of its relationships to other concepts:

  • When does a tool become media (and vice versa)
  • When does a tool become art (and vice versa)
  • The tool as an extension of the body which can then extend the tool, and so on (which I think touches on the recursivity that Joyce mentioned during our group discussions); yet, as Susan pointed out, the tool can also distance the body from itself, and from the natural world.
  • Tools as vehicles/conduits for story telling (the activities with the stick maps, wooden relief map, knotting) – related to this, what Florence noted about how educators usually remove the (his)tory of the tool when they teach with it in mathematics classes (how *did* the protractor come to be?)

As well, it was interesting to consider the tool as a means of thinking, how the design of the tool affords and constrains that thinking, and can reveal/shape concepts but not perhaps as the user/teacher anticipates. As Jean-Francois noted, the tools carry things that we might not want or anticipate.

De Marie-Line

Je rédigerai cette réflexion au « je ». Et je tâcherai d’à la fois ne pas trop réfléchir et laisser émerger les pensées à moi. Voici tout ce qui émerge.

D’une certaine manière, ma relation avec l’outil a changé. D’une vision statique de l’objet outil, je suis arrivé à une vision plurielle. L’outil peut -être à la fois culturelle (ex : une fourchette), matérielle (une fourchette) et/ou même mental (langage, mathématique).

À cet instant précis, alors que j’écris ces lignes à l’aide de mon ordinateur, mon ordinateur me change, il modifie mes pensées, alors que je pose mes pensées en mots par l’ordinateur. D’une certaine manière, je modifie ainsi l’ordinateur qui devient porteur de mes mots. En se sens, l’ordinateur est à la fois porteur et l’extension de ma pensée. Prendre conscience de cette dernière phrase vient de modifier mon rapport à l’ordinateur ; il a maintenant un côté plus poétique, plus humain et moins qu’utilitaire.

Au cours des trois derniers jours, nous avons eu une conversation sur « le fait que l’humain « were smarter now than before » L’humain en lui-même n’est pas « smarter » il est simplement transformé par la technologie, par exemple : il peut maintenant avoir une extension (ou une instance) de ses dires, de sa pensée, de ses rêves à l’intérieur même d’une machine portable que l’on nomme ordinateur. Cet ordinateur peut être vu comme portable du à l’invention du sac-à-dos. « (La technologie) est dans (le dos) de l’humain » Wills

What if math is a tool ?

Nous avons beaucoup parlé des outils mathématiques, mais les mathématiques en eux-mêmes comme outils… Nous en avons moins parlé.

Les objets, les outils, viennent en eux-mêmes porteur d’une culture. Ces outils me semblent à la fois limités à une culture et porteur de nouvelles possibilités dans une culture. Les sortir de leur culture est acte de créativité et permet-ouvre de nouvelles possibilités.

Sortir un objet de « sa culture » s’est aussi se sortir soi-même de sa culture.

J’ai été grandement étonné de voir que les grecques et les indiens sont arrivé avec des manières différents de trouver, calculer le même enjeux (la racine carré). Deux outils de différentes cultures pour répondre au même besoin… Est-ce que la racine carrée en elle-même est un besoin humain ?

Un élément final qui m’a sidéré fut le commentaire de Tanya Noble à propos du fait que c’était « beautiful » de voir la dimension approximative des mathématiques dans la règle à calculer. Ce commentaire m’a fait réfléchir, car, il me semble en effet qu’on ne la voit jamais (ou très peu) cette approximation en mathématique… Pourtant, elle est toujours là… Nous avons inventé des outils qui font en sorte que nous ne voyons plus la dimension approximative des math. Certains outils changent donc la nature même des choses…, ou du moins change nos perceptions humaines.

Par : Marie-Line L.Lamarche

Some images from our working group (when I wasn't too busy to take photos!)

Marta's notes

Dionysia's notes

Reflections from... Chrysi? (Hope that the author can confirm...)

From Sabrina

Hi Susan,

These are my thoughts about our working group.


Carte à la façon des Îles Marshall

Nous avons assemblé une carte topographique. Nous avions différentes façons de trouver les lignes du terrain : marcher verticalement pour évaluer les différentes longueurs des pas ou marcher à l’horizontale pour sentir les courbes dans le terrain. Nous avons même observé les passants pour raffiner la carte. Nous avons aussi imaginé le terrain qui n’était pas visible tel que les racines ou les ruisseaux qui ont forgé le chemin idéal.

Les outils sans limites !

Dans le groupe de travail, nous avons mis à l’essai plusieurs outils. Toutefois, nous n’avons jamais été arrêté par les ‘’limites’’ d’un outil. Par exemple, l’addition de fractions était plutôt difficile avec les cercles fractionnaires dans les premiers essais. En n’ayant pas recours volontairement à l’algorithme, nous avons finalement trouvé une façon de passer outre cet obstacle en augmentant entre autre notre quantité de matériel, mais aussi en se donnant le droit d’explorer au-delà des premières impressions. Les cercles fractionnaires sont souvent utilisés comme un modèle d’aire pour l’enseignement/apprentissage de la fraction et nous l’avons transformé en modèle de collection pour parvenir à notre fin.

Notre exploration des outils ne nous a pas toujours permis de déboguer dans le temps qui nous était alloué ou avec le matériel que nous avions à notre disposition. Par exemple, pour trouver √200, nous avons utilisé des réglettes cuisenaires. Nous sommes parvenus à représenter le plus approximativement 14, et nous en étions encore à trouver une façon de couper les 4 cubes restants. Il était envisagé de modifier le matériel (cubes en mousse qui peuvent être coupé) ou même d’avoir recours à une forme hybride (papier pouvant être coupé).

En somme, il ne faut pas limiter notre vision d’un outil à un savoir mathématique particulier. Il ne faut pas être à la recherche de l’outil parfait non plus. Les outils peuvent être utilisé dans différents contextes mathématiques et le processus de débogage m’apparaît important pour donner du sens.

Joyce's notes

Minnie's post

Creating a map using wood - walking the path and scaling at the same time. I'm expanding my senses and my math tools!!!#CMESG2017 Susan Gerofsky

Slide rule time! What's the square root of 4? 400? How are they related? What about root 40? 4000? How are these related? Why r there 2 sides to the slide ruler? What are the affordances and constraints of this tool? How can we use this tool to help with students' understanding?#cmesg2017Susan Gerofsky
I'm getting goosebumps. This is so incredible!!!!!! Susan Gerofsky

And meanwhile...... Tanya Noble and I do this...... the Babylonian method is so sophisticated. I wonder how they figured it out!

Thank you, Susan, Jean-Francois, and Yasmine for a wonderful working group!!! Sorry these reflections are still a bit raw. But they are authentic! :)


June 5

When you only have a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

This really strikes me. What tools do I have? What do they look like? What can I use them for? It is so important to have an understanding of the tools we each have and recognize and keep and open mind of what they can be used for. From a problem solving perspective, It is also important to expand our toolbox so I can begin to interpret problems from various perspectives and take different approaches to solve the problem.

It is also important to be mindful of what cultural and historical backgrounds we bring to the table. While there are definitely affordances, what we bring to the table can also be constraints.

What happens if we don't use the tool as it is designed? What if I deliberately change the function of the tool?

June 4

I understand tools come in many forms and they are never a standalone object. While we discuss tools, it is also important to look into the relationships between these tools, including the people involved, the relationships between these people, the language used (spoken and written), etc. How do these relationship affect the use of the tools? What does this relationship web look like? How do these relationships change as we use the tools?

When we r not told what a tool is for or how to use it, does it allow for creativity? Does it allow us to bring our cultural and historical backgrounds into the relationship between us and he tool? What are the affordances and constraints?

Manipulatives- limitations seem to always exist in manipulatives. But these limitations are definitely worth exploring as they have so many potentials and they open up so many opportunities!!

June 3

What a profound experience I had.

Tools can have such multiple facets - different uses, different perspectives - they can b so dynamic and they change as we use it to develop a concept

We shape our tools, and then our tools shape us.

What tools do we use? How are the tools affected by our cultural backgrounds? How do these tools shape us?

What do we attend to when we use a tool? The tool itself? The activity? The context of the activity? What's in the foreground and what's in the background?

June 3+4

Yesterday I felt like I was invading someone's culture and I was using their tools --> need to follow rules

Today with the fraction tools - I feel I can use them however I want to. I wonder if that's because these fraction tools bring with them less cultural backgrounds? That we r teachers and we feel we can do whatever we want with the tools? I also feel that I "own" these tools or that I have control over these tools whereas I don't w the maps we worked on yesterday - they r someone else's tools and I don't feel I have control over them. Maybe this is also affected by the activity - I feel I know fractions much better than creating a map.